Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why Fruits & Vegetables? Educate Children!

I have been looking for a great nutrition resource for this blog and am happy to say that JuicePlus+ far exceeds what I was looking for! Juiceplus

I remember my parents cooking vegetables and making the fruit salads, in high hopes that we would eat them. Sometimes we did as we were told but most of the time they ended up in the napkin and secretly disposed of in the trash! Can you believe how sneaky we were? I think of how important it is for us and especially our children to consume the daily nutrients that are vital for lifetime health. Those crucial nutrients are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables for which is recommended that we eat 7-13 servings in a day. It's amazing how once you evaluate your diet and your families diet, you realize how incredibily hard it can be to get all 7-13 servings with a wide variety within one day! I love that juiceplus bridges the gap and is proven to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed. It is great that this product is not a vitamin, weight-loss, or fad item but instead is heavily researched from reputable universities and physicians for our nutrition needs. If I can guarentee that my child is receiving the nutrients that they need on a daily basis plus increase the amount of fruits and vegetables that they eat, I am a happy!

More than 1 in 3 children in the U.S. is overweight or obese. This means higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, respiratory, musculoskeletal, vascular and neurological disorders. We also know that most adults are not at their optimal intake of nutrients recommended in a day. Some may say, why does this really matter? or I don't like fruits and vegetables but I still eat healthy, so I am good right? or I know I get all of my fruits and vegetables the natural way instead of taking a pill, why would I need this?

I love when these questions arise because it makes me want to research and share/educate as many people as possible. It is amazing to see the people taking responsibility for their health and evaluating where they are at in their current nutrition. I believe it is essential to constantly learn and grow in our nutritional journey, which means we are learning every day! Since I started my juiceplus, I can honestly say that I crave and eat more fruits and vegetables. With my body receiving these nurtients, I am beginning to understand the studies first-hand!

Here is some useful information on nutrients needed in your daily diet:

Fat-Soluble Vitamins
-Vitamin A (Retinol & Beta Carotene)
*Beta Carotene yields the most vitamin A and can be found in the following food sources:
spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, parsley, lettuce, brussel sprouts, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, yams, pumpkins, red cabbage, apricots, peaches, mangos, cantalope, papaya, cherries, watermelon
*Vitamin A assists in eyesight, teeth/bone health and skin health. It lowers the risk of cancer and is an antioxidant, protecting the body.
-Vitamin D (Calciferol) *found in fish liver oil and sunlight, helps regulate calcium meatbolism and calcification of the bones
-Vitamin E (Tocopherol) *found in plant and animal food, best source is vegetable and seed and nut oils - like wheat germ oil - serves as an antioxidant, reducing oxidation of lipid memberanes and prevents the breakdown of other nutrients
-Vitamin F (Essential Fatty Acids) *found in liquid vegetable oils, best source is flaxseed oil - assists in cell and organ respiration and adds resiliency and lubrication to the tissues.
-Vitamin K *found in alfalfa, dark leafy vegetables, safflower oil, liver, milk, yogurt, egg, and fish liver oil - this vitamin is necessary for normal blood clotting
Essential Nutrient
-Vitamin C (must obtain from diet)
*found mainly in citrus fruits and red or green peppers plus other vegetables
Water-Soluble Vitamins
-Vitamin B's (B1,2,3,5,6,12,13,15,17, Biotin, Choline, Folic Acid, Inositol, PABA) *not stored well in the body, needed daily to support their functions, found in yeast, germ and bran of cereal, beans, peas, liver, nuts and some meats)
-Vitamin P (Bioflavonoids)
*assist in absorption of Vitamin C & main source is also citrus fruits and buckwheat plant along w/ other fruits and vegetables
-Vitamin T *found in sesame seeds, believed to help prevent anemia and hemolysis of red blood cells
-Vitamin U *found in raw cabbage, believed to help heal ulcers of skin and intestinal tract
* These two vitamins are still being researched....

There are 17 fruits, vegetables and grains within the juiceplus capsules. It is not a vitamin but rather a whole food within a capsule or a chewable. Juiceplus contains the following:

•Apple: Pectin along with a variety of polyphenols and other antioxidants

•Acerola Cherry: Vitamin C and anthocyanadins

•Cranberry: Flavonoid and phenolic antioxidants

•Orange: Vitamin C, folate, and several carotenoids including beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin

•Papaya: Vitamin C, potassium, and several carotenoids including beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin

•Peach: Vitamin C and several carotenoids

•Pineapple: Vitamin C and bromelain

•Tomato: Vitamin C, polyphenols, and several carotenoids including lycopene

•Oat Bran: Dietary fiber, vitamin E, several B vitamins, and minerals

•Beet: Folate, iron and calcium

•Broccoli: Folate, vitamin C, and several carotenoids including beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and glucosinolates

•Cabbage: Vitamin C, folate, and glucosinolates

•Carrot: Several carotenoids including beta-carotene, along with vitamin E

•Kale: Vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and several carotenoids including beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin

•Parsley: Vitamin C, folate, several carotenoids and flavonols

•Spinach: Folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, several carotenoids, iron, and calcium

•Brown Rice Bran: Dietary fiber, several B vitamins, and minerals

What an amazing amount and variety of nutrients! If you are interested in reading the research behind juiceplus please visit the website listed above. If you have questions I would love to setup a time to discuss!
As we teach our children, they are becoming more aware of the necessity to consume the nutrients from fruits and vegetables. They enjoy taking their daily juiceplus and I can rest assured that my children are getting the full amount of nutrients needed in their development. If we can increase their knowledge at a young age, then imagine how this will affect their health in adulthood. When we begin to teach our children, we educate ourselves as well! If you start taking juiceplus, you can register your child in the 3 year children's study for FREE! AMAZING!