Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the Beginning

Looking at the origin of our health is somewhat of a facination. What made our bodies the way they are today? Was it the combination of genetics, environment, past experiences or overall health? Is it true that the genes that you either embrace with open loving arms or curse everyday, are an important factor in your health at this moment? All of these questions are of constant debate and research. We know that nutrition and overall cardiovascular activity are crucial in maintaining the proper flow and workings of your heart, not to mention all aspects of your body. We also know that genetics play a role in your body type. Therefore, my main focus always comes back to our environment and the footprints that our parents left on us and the future footprints that we will leave on our children. Do we believe that parents are responsible for their children's overall health, including teaching them proper nutrition and the value of daily exercise?

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