Thursday, July 26, 2012

Goal Setting Toolbox

Do you believe in setting goals when it comes to health and fitness? Goal setting may seem easy to some people and extremely daunting to others. One thing I like to keep in mind is that not a single person in this world is perfect, no matter how hard they strive to be. its just not human nature. Therefore when setting  goals it is important to follow the S.M.A.R.T. tool. Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. If you keep these 5 steps in mind, you can set goals that will be reached! My first endurance event was the Kona Marathon in 2006. I was limited in skills but determined to reach my goal at any cost. Although I made it to the end and almost crawled across the finish-line, I knew there had to be a better way! I would like to share some steps and tools to better help those newbies or oldies that have lost track of the steadfast way, toward the completion of your goal! If you have never set a health or fitness goal before, get started today to enhance your life and overall wellness! I have a few sources for this information but the Health Education text used for my elementary and secondary students is one of my favorites! Follow these steps and see what happens:

  • Start with S.M.A.R.T.!
    • Create your long term goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound
  • Short term to reach long term
    • Create several short term time-bound goals to gradually get you toward the long term goal
  • Assess your situation
    • Journal about the progress by asking how you are emotionally, physically, socially, etc....
  • Make a plan
    • Create your specific plan that includes resources, support, obstacles, and the duration to reach your goal!
  • Evaluate your progress
    • When the time is up, reflect on the journey and whether you completed the goal or not? Why or why not and what would you do differently the next time?
Go Get Your Goals! Live your Life one Goal at a Time!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Try Something New...

I believe that whether you are an elite athlete, an occasional weekend warrior, or a complete novice to physical activity there is always something new out there that you can become passionate about!  When someone tells me that they hate to exercise and can't stand going to the gym, I tell them to spice it up! I like to think that everyone has a physical activity that is deeper than just sweating and expending calories in the gym or trying to be skinny to fit into those favorite jeans. I am so excited to teach and educate clients about the whole wellness circle. It's simply about awakening that hidden desire, growing and changing throughout the years and stimulating the heart, mind and body. Once I get bored with an activity, which can happen quite quickly for my attention span of a 4 year old (lol), I find a new activity to peak my interest. After running marathon #3 and finishing with a less than ideal time, and balling at least 3 times throughout the race... I decided I was burnt out on hitting the pavement for hours and hours on end. Lately, the ancient sport of surfing and stand up paddling are increasing in popularity. You can find rentals and meetup groups at almost any lake in Colorado. I cannot wait to explore the possibilities with SUP (Stand Up Paddling). I believe I awakened another hidden passion for which makes me giddy when I talk about it! This is what I want for all of those people that have told me that they hate to exercise and that it just isn't for them! Explore the endless opportunities and try something new! I have listed some activities that may peak your interest....If none of them light a spark, please continue to dive into books, magazine, or search online until you awaken your passion! Don't be afraid to try something new!

-Bootcamp Workouts (ever-changing daily fitness components)
-Hip Hop
-Weight Training
-Obstacle Courses
-Rock Climbing
-Stand Up Paddling
-Endurance Relays

Monday, July 16, 2012

Rethink, Recharge, Reinvent Yourself!

As I take some much needed time to myself, I noticed the moving expression written on the windows of the neighborhood Starbucks; Rethink, Recharge, Reinvent. These words begin my research and thoughts into reinventing the nutrition that so many of us are accustomed to. What foods can I use to recharge my body and how will this reinvent my overall performance in my physical activity or day-to-day life? If you are anything like me, you may feel overwhelmed with the contradicting information or ever-changing nutritional advice that you receive. I am not a nutritionist although I hope to be in the future. I like to look into the various ways that I can gradually and effectively increase my health and energy through proper nutrition.  With that being said, this week I am reading through various topics in the Reader's Digest: Foods That Harm Foods That Heal resource guide. The following information is definitely worth sharing:

7 Strategies for High-Energy Eating:
1. Eat Breakfast
-This meal replenishes your energy supply and should be consumed within 45 minutes of rising
2. Get Enough Iron-Rich Foods
-Iron produces hemoglobin (component of red blood cells) which carries the needed oxygen to our cells
3. Focus On Complex Carbohydrates
-End up as simple sugar glucose, provides fuel for our brains, muscles and other body tissues
4. Go Easy On The Simple Sugars
-May feel like it gives you a quick increase in energy but will follow with an intense decrease in energy
5. Eat Small Amounts Of Food Throughout The Day
-Small meals and snacks throughout the day (every few hours) keeps your blood sugar steady
6. Stay Hydrated
-Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day! Fatigue is a symptom of mild dehydration
7. Go Easy On Caffeine
-It is a stimulant, this can disrupt your well-needed sleep

Try this for the week and see how you feel! Rethink, Recharge, and Reinvent your Health today!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Climb the Mountain of Strength

Do you want to be stronger? This weekend after hiking the Mt. Bierstadt 14er, I realized that my strength has increased significantly and I came home after the 6 hours of hiking, wanting to merely increase it more and more! So this week the focus will be on interval strength workouts using personal body weight and very minimal equipment. The 2 joys of fitness to focus on right now are; increasing endorphins (feeling that natural high) and being as creative as you want with your strength workouts! Envision climbing that mountain with ease! Lets try these on for size this week~
* Begin with dynamic stretches and move into strength workout. Then focus on your cardio portion of your workout and end with static stretches.


Exercises/ Reps/ Wts/ Muscle/ Frequency

Squat Leg Lifts 2 10lbs Quads/Adductors 12

Lunge Twists 2 10-15lbs Quads/Glutes 12

Ab Tuck Sliders or Jumps 2  Abs 10

1 Leg Power Jumps 2  Glutes/Quads 10

Renegade Rows 2 10-15lbs Tri/Biceps/Abs 8


Exercises/ Reps/ Wts/ Frequency/ Fitness/Health Component

Jumping Jacks/Jump Rope 2 0 50 Coordination/Cardio Endurance

Skaters 2 10lbs 12 Agility/Cardio Endurance

Mountain Climbers 3 0 10 Muscle & Cardio Endurance

Burpee (Side or pushup squat) 2 0 10 Muscle & Cardio Endurance

Run/Swim/Cycle/Walk, Etc… 1 0 20-30min Cardiovascular Endurance