Monday, July 16, 2012

Rethink, Recharge, Reinvent Yourself!

As I take some much needed time to myself, I noticed the moving expression written on the windows of the neighborhood Starbucks; Rethink, Recharge, Reinvent. These words begin my research and thoughts into reinventing the nutrition that so many of us are accustomed to. What foods can I use to recharge my body and how will this reinvent my overall performance in my physical activity or day-to-day life? If you are anything like me, you may feel overwhelmed with the contradicting information or ever-changing nutritional advice that you receive. I am not a nutritionist although I hope to be in the future. I like to look into the various ways that I can gradually and effectively increase my health and energy through proper nutrition.  With that being said, this week I am reading through various topics in the Reader's Digest: Foods That Harm Foods That Heal resource guide. The following information is definitely worth sharing:

7 Strategies for High-Energy Eating:
1. Eat Breakfast
-This meal replenishes your energy supply and should be consumed within 45 minutes of rising
2. Get Enough Iron-Rich Foods
-Iron produces hemoglobin (component of red blood cells) which carries the needed oxygen to our cells
3. Focus On Complex Carbohydrates
-End up as simple sugar glucose, provides fuel for our brains, muscles and other body tissues
4. Go Easy On The Simple Sugars
-May feel like it gives you a quick increase in energy but will follow with an intense decrease in energy
5. Eat Small Amounts Of Food Throughout The Day
-Small meals and snacks throughout the day (every few hours) keeps your blood sugar steady
6. Stay Hydrated
-Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day! Fatigue is a symptom of mild dehydration
7. Go Easy On Caffeine
-It is a stimulant, this can disrupt your well-needed sleep

Try this for the week and see how you feel! Rethink, Recharge, and Reinvent your Health today!

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